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Today it's all about you beautiful women out there. In today's world, it seems as though everyone (men included) is self absorb in there own goals and strictly focusing on the betterment of themselves only. Well, when your on your purpose-filled journey we must not neglect others who are in need of help (whether it be financially, spiritually etc.) Women, do you all find it hard to lend a helping hand to other lady-bosses or even just giving them their "props" for being amazing & doing so WITHOUT SHADE 🌴 Speaking from a mans perspective, us men don't typically have a problem with telling our male-counterparts they're doing great. From my experience, there has never been a time where another male has neglected to help me out in some way. I can attest to the fact that we males are very competitive but for the most part we don't mind helping out when we can. As for females (please correct me if I'm wrong) it seems like some of you are competing for something, doing anything under the sun to make sure that the next female doesn't get to shine. Now this may not be all females but could one of you at least help me understand as to why some females think this way. As a women, do you all find it hard to lend a helping hand to other lady-bosses or even just giving them their "props" for being amazing & doing so WITHOUT SHADE 🌴

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