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What gives you the indication that you are "grown" or "mature." Sometimes on our purpose-filled journey, we tend to get so caught up in our process that we neglect advice and guidance from others who have been down the same road. This could be because we don't really care to hear anybody else's opinion or we just want to figure this thing called "life" out on our own. Nonetheless, when your finding purpose, it's always best to hear what others have to say because that's when praying to God for discernment comes into play. You have a choice to either take their advice or don't take it. But, the key factor between the two are to just L I S T E N. • For me, what indicates growth and maturity is when you approach each and every situation/circumstance you're faced with, with a humble spirit. And also acknowledging your current limitations. What I mean by this is, say your currently going through a storm, your not liking where you're at in life. Instead of always being negative, step back for a moment and say this "Lord, I don't like what I'm going through right now, but if this is needed to fulfill your purpose for me, then I'll be okay." You may never understand why things, whether good or bad, seem to happen to you. The fact that you didn't give up; that's growth and maturity. The fact that you kept walking; that's growth and maturity. The fact that you held on to your faith and hope; that's growth and maturity. • What gives you the indication that you are "grown" or "mature"

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