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Know Yourself

They say, to know where you going you must first know who you are. Well, I believe we can take that one step further and say to know who you are you must first know who created you. Getting to know God will bring about so much clarity on your purpose-filled journey. The Bible says "God's gracious word can make you into what he wants you to be and give you everything you possibly need (Acts 20:32)." Knowing this, why lean on anything other than the promise he made us. The ManUp question this week is "What will be the ultimate authority for your life?" (What are your choices most influenced by) CULTURE (everyone is doing it) TRADITION (we've always done it) REASON (it seemed logical) EMOTION (it felt right) For me, I would definitely say each one of these topics collectively have some sort of hand in how I make choices in my life. Fortunately, I can say that neither one of them take authority over my life. What I mean is that If I make a choice based off of any of these topics (I.e culture, tradition... etc.) God is who ultimately has the final say in my life. Unlike the topics I've listed above, which you can find flaw in all of them, Gods word is flawLESS. • What will be the ultimate authority for your life?" (What are your choices most influenced by)

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