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what circumstance/ problem in your life has made you stronger or changed your outlook on life? One circumstance that I've had to endure was the year that my mom had to undergo a liver transplant surgery. During that time, I saw my mom at what seemed to be her lowest point I life. It felt like I was on this rollercoaster ride of emotions, angry because I wasn't able to help, then sad because I didn't want to see her like that. Fortunately, my mom was able to recover and is now doing very well....I didn't understand before but I definitely know now what people mean when they say, sometimes the trials that people go through aren't always to help them but sometimes they're formed to bless those surrounding that individual. Because of my moms surgery I was able to grow closer to God, which is the true Glory! What circumstance/ problem in your life has made you stronger or changed your outlook on life?

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