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Check yaself b4 you wreck yaself!!

when was the last time someone (family/friend) had to tell you about yourself. What did you do about it? God says "speak the truth in love." When you're on your journey to finding your purpose in life, sometimes we tend to go off course; which is okay. Thankfully, we have family and friends who want to see us succeed so sometimes they may call us out. Instead of getting mad, you should thank that person...It is imperative to have individuals around you that care enough to let you know when your slacking. • The last person to put me in check was my mom😩😂🤷🏽‍♂️. But I appreciate her for this because I know that if nobody believes in my dreams she will. What she told me was, I have so many ideas but I just have a hard time focusing in on one of them. This ultimately causes me to give up before I even get started. So what did I decide to do about this? Well, I wrote down each of my goals, listed them based on importance in my life and now I'm working on each one, one at a time, until I've achieved all of them. This process may not work for you but it has helped me a lot. As a result, this has helped me to be more organized and as I said in my previous post, I've become more focused. It's like I have mapped out my path to success. Now believe me, I know that nothing ever goes according to our plan but instead God's plan over our lives. As long as we're meeting God halfway then everything we dream of will soon manifest itself. • When was the last time someone (family/friend) had to tell you about yourself. What did you do about it?

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