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Are you experiencing life right now?

Are you experiencing life right now? What I mean by this is, are you being truly authentic to yourself and others around you? Sometimes we go through life acting as someone we're not, and hiding behind this image of how we think people view us. What one step can I take to connect with like minded individuals on a more genuine level, to help fulfill my purpose? The step I decided to take was to begin surrounding myself with people who had the same goals as I. I also followed those same individuals on social media so that I would have this constant reminder of the goals I set to accomplish for myself. Doing this allowed me to build relationships and help motivate me to keep working until my purpose is fulfilled. Usually, my pride would prevent me from reaching out to someone for help but the Bible says "you do not have because you do not ask." I began to change my mindset about my future, which ultimately is working out for my good. What one step can I take to connect with like minded individuals on a more genuine level, to help fulfill my purpose?

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